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Payge Turner

{Gina. 18. USA.} I'm just an Armchair Adventurer exploring the world through literature. paygeturner.tumblr.com

Currently reading

Snow Hunters
Paul Yoon
The Fellowship of the Ring
J.R.R. Tolkien
Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald
Therese Anne Fowler

Introductions: A Short Tale

Hi my name is Gina, I’m an 18 year-old living in Northern Michigan. I enjoy the company of books, the great outdoors and my family. The allure of cataloging my literary endeavors got the worst of me, hence the creation of my online alias, Payge Turner just over a year ago.  Cooking, hiking, thrifitng, antiquing, and Netflix also take up substantial amounts of my time. 


I primarily use Goodreads and Tumblr to catalog my adventures in reading - on Tumblr I've been known to stray to my other interests including art, history, and the occasional pop culture reference... I enjoy tackling classics, literary fiction, and some non-fiction I also write a teen lit book review for a local magazine. We'll see if I can add Booklikes to the social media juggling!